Monday 19 September 2011

Treat a cough by using herbs 治咳嗽的草药

Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Radix 甘草

Glycyrrhiza uralensis, also known as Chinese liquorice, common used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Radix consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. It has been used in clinical medicine to moisture and relaxing, neutralize strong medicine, detoxification, ease pain, antispasmodic, modify the taste, relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

For throat swollen and painful, cough with sputum, palpitation and shortness of breath, weak spleen and stomach, fatique and loss of energy, gastrointestinal ulcer, cramps in abdominal and limps, healing of sore and carbuncle, alleviate poisonous or strong medicine, treat food poisoning and others.



Radix Platycodon Grandiflorum 桔梗

The root of this species is used extensively as an  an expectorant and antitussive used to treat coughs, colds, upper respiratory infections, sore throats, tonsillitis, and chest congestion. In Chinese traditional medicine, Radix Platycodon has been used to treat cough with sputum, tonsillitis, pertussis, and asthma. Also used to treat stomatitis, peptic ulcers, and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Radix Stemona Sessilifolia 百部

Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq., Stemona japonica (Bl.) Miq. or Stemona tuberosa Lour., is a plant of the Stemonaceae family; the dried tuberous root is used as a medicine. Its Chinese medicinal name is Baibu.
Pharmacological studies indicate that Stemona sessilifolia has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antiasthmatic, parasiticidal effects, etc. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, Baibu moistens the lungs, stops coughing, and kills parasites, etc.


Bulbus Fritillaria Cirrhosa 川贝母

Fritillaria,precious chinese herbs for moistening lung and suppressing cough. It has been used for generations and the efficacy is remarkable. Bulbus Fritillaria Cirrhosa not only relieving cough and reducing sputum, also raise Yin, protect and moisten lung and remove heat, is a remedy for chronic cough and asthma. It can be found in Chinese medicine prescription for treatment of acute bronchitis, bronchial inflammation, tuberculosis and other diseases.


Herba Mentha Haplocalyx 薄荷

Herba Mentha Haplocalyx, also known as mint. It has significant effects on throat clearing, common used for sore throat due to wind-heat, also have wind-heat evacuation effect, for treatment of exogenous wind-heat, headache, red eyes, sore throat and swollen, flatulence, mouth sores, toothache, sore scabies, urticaria.


Folium Eriobotrya Japonica 枇杷叶
Folium Eriobotrya Japonica, also known as Loquat Leave or Pi Pa Ye. Its dried leaves have commonly been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine prescriptions as an antitussive and anti-inflammatory agent to clear-away lung heat, eliminate phlegm, lower the adverse-rising energy, relieve cough and regulate the stomach to restrain vomiting skin diseases, as well as in Japanese folk medicine as a diuretic, digestive and antipyretic agent to treat skin diseases, relieve inflammation, pain, cough and sputa.



Source 资料来源:

Thursday 15 September 2011

Types of Cough 咳嗽类型

- Types of Cough in Traditional Chinese Medicine View

Wind-Cold Cough
Dry cough at night. Most common caused by exogenous cold. The symptoms include heavy cough, thin and white sputum, associated with fear of cold, no sweat, headache, nasal congestion, sneeze, clear and thin mucus, itchy throat, no dry-mouth and others. White coating tongue, mostly associated with fear of cold. 

Wind-Heat Cough

The symptoms include continual cough, hacking cough, thick yellow sticky sputum, associated with heatiness and sweating, headache, sore throat, thirst, sticky and yellow mucus. Red tongue with yellow coating.

External Fire

The symptoms include dry cough no sputum or less but sticky sputum,difficult to cough up or scanty bloody phlegm, associated with dry and itchy throat, dry lips and nasal and others.  

Wet Cough

Most common in weak elderly. The symptoms include heavy and hacking cough, thick and sticky sputum in grey-white, worsen after consuming sweet or oily food, associated with chest fullness, short of breath, poor appetite, fatigue, loose stool and others.

Chronic Cough

The symptoms include enduring cough, short cough or scanty bloody phlegm, associated with dampness and heat, spontaneous sweating, fatigue and others.

Lung Qi Deficiency Cough

Most common in those with inadequate lung and weak body. The symptoms include chronic cough, thin white and little sputum, associated with asthma, weakness, spontaneous sweating, palpitations, pale, thin and white coating tongue, weak pulse and others. Mostly happen to children and elderly. 

- 中医角度的咳嗽类型







Source 资料源自:

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Color of Phlegm 痰的颜色

Phlegm or respiratory system mucus is a gel like substance produced by upper and lower respiratory system organs in response to various types of irritants in the form of allergens, viruses, bacteria, environmental toxins and pollution. The purpose of the phlegm is to lubricate the respiratory organs and passages and to quickly neutralize the foreign invaders by expelling them from our bodies with coughing. Therefore, it’s very important to learn different phlegm color meaning and not simply take medicine. Take the right medication for best solution.
The color of phlegm has a tremendous meaning in diagnosing and pin-pointing different types of diseases and conditions.

White/ Clear Mucus
Coughing up clear or white mucus or sputum could just mean an onset of seasonal allergies or a mild viral infection, even healthy body also will have a small amount of white sputum. The clear mucus production usually resolves itself within 5-7 days like any viral infection.

Yellow Mucus
In case your condition does not improve and you start coughing up yellow mucus or the color of phlegm changes to a more cloudy type, it could signal a bacterial infection in the lungs or bronchi. If the color of phlegm is dark yellow or green, it indicates the presence of pus or dead white cells in the phlegm mucus, a good indication that body is currently fighting off bacteria.

Green Phlegm
Caused by a special bacteria named Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A combination of phlegm and spit, could be an indication of cystic fibrosis disease and should be discussed with your doctor.

Brown Phlegm
If you smoke you might see brown phlegm being coughed up in the morning as a response to irritation caused by cigarette smoke. Smoking causes chronic inflammation to the bronchi, lungs and other organs of the respiratory system resulting in increased bouts of cough necessary to clear out the lungs. If you suffer from acute or chronic bronchitis you can try some bronchitis natural remedies that may also alleviate excessive mucus problem.

Grey/ Black Phlegm
Excessive inhalation of dust may cause coughing up grey phlegm. Those expose to toner, coal foam, lime etc might lead to Pneumoconiosis disease.

Bloody Phlegm
Bloody Phlegm happens in several conditions.
1. Blood tinged sputum, most common in tuberculosis or bronchiectasis, also happen in throat inflammation.
2. Black bloody sputum, most common in pulmonary embolism.
3. Pink foamy sputum, most common in pulmonary edema.
Besides, long-term bloody phlegm in associated with chest pain, fatigue, weight loss symptoms, be alert to lung cancer risk.   

Color of phlegm is a very helpful way for you to know how your body is coping with an illness.










Source 资料源自:

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat 风寒感冒与风热感冒

Common cold in Traditional Chinese Medicine is different from what prescribed in Western Medicine. It mainly caused by the upper respiratory tract infection and the symptoms include nasal congestion, nasal itching, runny nose, sore throat, itchy, tearing, postnatal drip flu and others.

There are two major types of common colds and in the Chinese medical language named wind-cold and wind-heat, while in Western medical language named common cold, seasonal flu and others.

Flu that caused by Wind-cold
Cause of tiredness, not fully rested or catch cold. Most commonly happened during winter season. The nature of the Taiyang meridian is Cold (In the Taiyang layer, it is the Cold dominates).  When the Taiyang meridian is in disorder, the disorder might be in the meridian (this meridian per se is in disorder).
The symptoms include:
* Chilly, mild fever
Pain and stiff in the back of the head and neck is not flexible
* Fear of cold, usually need to wear a lot of clothes or cover with thick blanket to maintain at comfortable point
* Clear, white or a bit yellowish mucus. If nasal congestion happen, drink more warm water to release clear mucus 
* Coughing thin and white phlegm
* Tongue with no coating or slightly white
* If you familiar with pulse diagnosis, you will be able to test on floating pulse which means Yang floating pulse, beat easily. 

Symptoms of Flu that caused by Wind-heat
* High fever, less cold
* Pain and stiff in the back of the head , sweating
* Pain throat swelling and pain, most commonly happen before flu symptoms, yellow or slightly dark sputum.
* Nasal congestion, thick mucus, usually yellow in color 
* Tongue is red with yellow coating.  
* Cough, body heatiness 
* Constipation, thirsty, nervous
* Flood pulse, which is faster than the normal pulse




* 恶寒重、发热轻
* 后脑强痛,就是后脑袋疼,连带脖子转动不灵活。
* 怕寒怕风,通常要穿很多衣服或盖大被子才觉得舒服点
* 鼻涕是清涕,白色或稍微带点黄。如果鼻塞不流涕,喝点热开水,开始流清涕,这也属于风寒感冒
* 咳嗽吐稀白痰
* 舌无苔或薄白苔
* 如果您会把脉,您应该可以测到脉像是浮紧,浮脉的意思是阳气在表,轻取即得。
* 发热重、微恶风
* 头胀痛,有汗
* 咽喉红肿疼痛,通常在感冒症状之前就痛,痰通常黄色或带黑色。
* 鼻塞,浓涕,通常黄色
* 舌苔带点黄色,也有可能是白色的,舌体通常比较红。
* 咳嗽,身热
* 便秘、口渴、心烦
* 脉像通常为数脉或洪脉,就是脉搏比正常的为快,为大。

Monday 12 September 2011

Flu or Cold Symptoms? 流感或伤风感冒症状

When you wake up sneezing, coughing, and have that achy, feverish, can't move a muscle feeling, how do you know whether you have cold symptoms or the flu? And if it's the flu, could it be swine flu?
It's important to know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. A cold is a milder respiratory illness than the flu. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days, flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks. The flu -- whether it's typical seasonal flu or the swine flu virus -- can also result in serious health problems such as pneumonia and hospitalizations.

What are common cold symptoms?

Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat which usually goes away after a day or two. Nasal symptoms, runny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough by the fourth and fifth days. Fever is uncommon in adults, but a slight fever is possible. Children are more likely to have a fever with a cold.
With cold symptoms, your nose teems with watery nasal secretions for the first few days. Later, these become thicker and darker. Dark mucus is natural and does not usually mean you have developed a bacterial infection, such as a sinus infection.
Several hundred different viruses may cause your cold symptoms.

What are common flu symptoms?

Whether a person has typical seasonal flu or swine flu, the symptoms seem to be quite similar. Flu symptoms are usually more severe than cold symptoms and come on quickly. Symptoms of swine flu or other flu include sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches and soreness, congestion, and cough. Swine flu in particular is also associated with vomiting and diarrhea.
Most flu symptoms gradually improve over two to five days, but it's not uncommon to feel run down for a week or more. A common complication of the flu is pneumonia, particularly in the young, elderly, or people with lung or heart problems. If you notice shortness of breath, you should let your doctor know. Another common sign of pneumonia is fever that comes back after having been gone for a day or two.
Just like cold viruses, flu viruses enter your body through the mucous membranes of your nose, eyes, or mouth. Every time you touch your hand to one of these areas, you could be infecting yourself with a virus, which makes it very important to keep your hands germ-free with frequent washing to prevent both flu and cold symptoms.










