Wednesday 14 September 2011

Color of Phlegm 痰的颜色

Phlegm or respiratory system mucus is a gel like substance produced by upper and lower respiratory system organs in response to various types of irritants in the form of allergens, viruses, bacteria, environmental toxins and pollution. The purpose of the phlegm is to lubricate the respiratory organs and passages and to quickly neutralize the foreign invaders by expelling them from our bodies with coughing. Therefore, it’s very important to learn different phlegm color meaning and not simply take medicine. Take the right medication for best solution.
The color of phlegm has a tremendous meaning in diagnosing and pin-pointing different types of diseases and conditions.

White/ Clear Mucus
Coughing up clear or white mucus or sputum could just mean an onset of seasonal allergies or a mild viral infection, even healthy body also will have a small amount of white sputum. The clear mucus production usually resolves itself within 5-7 days like any viral infection.

Yellow Mucus
In case your condition does not improve and you start coughing up yellow mucus or the color of phlegm changes to a more cloudy type, it could signal a bacterial infection in the lungs or bronchi. If the color of phlegm is dark yellow or green, it indicates the presence of pus or dead white cells in the phlegm mucus, a good indication that body is currently fighting off bacteria.

Green Phlegm
Caused by a special bacteria named Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A combination of phlegm and spit, could be an indication of cystic fibrosis disease and should be discussed with your doctor.

Brown Phlegm
If you smoke you might see brown phlegm being coughed up in the morning as a response to irritation caused by cigarette smoke. Smoking causes chronic inflammation to the bronchi, lungs and other organs of the respiratory system resulting in increased bouts of cough necessary to clear out the lungs. If you suffer from acute or chronic bronchitis you can try some bronchitis natural remedies that may also alleviate excessive mucus problem.

Grey/ Black Phlegm
Excessive inhalation of dust may cause coughing up grey phlegm. Those expose to toner, coal foam, lime etc might lead to Pneumoconiosis disease.

Bloody Phlegm
Bloody Phlegm happens in several conditions.
1. Blood tinged sputum, most common in tuberculosis or bronchiectasis, also happen in throat inflammation.
2. Black bloody sputum, most common in pulmonary embolism.
3. Pink foamy sputum, most common in pulmonary edema.
Besides, long-term bloody phlegm in associated with chest pain, fatigue, weight loss symptoms, be alert to lung cancer risk.   

Color of phlegm is a very helpful way for you to know how your body is coping with an illness.










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1 comment:

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