Wednesday 7 December 2011

Food to avoid when coughing 咳嗽不宜的食物

Cough is a common symptom which takes few days up to a month or more to recover depends on the conditions. In addition to physical condition, environmental factor, cough is closely related to dietary intake. Control your dietary during healing period may achieve multiplier effect.
1.      Avoid cold food and drinks
Avoid cold food and drinks when coughing. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when the body affected by the cold, may irritate the lung and cough mostly caused by lung disease. Consuming cold food or beverages at this moment may easily cause lung obstruction, worsen the symptoms and lack of healing. Children or adults cough mostly accompanied by phlegm and sputum amount related to spleen. Excessive consumption of cold food may affect spleen and resulting decreased in spleen function.
2.      Avoid fat-sweet food
Cough mostly caused by heat in lung, especially in children. Excessive intake of fat-sweet food will produce body heat, aggravate cough, viscous sputum and difficult to expectorate. Besides that, reduce intake of oily or fried food. Oily or fried food may increase burden of the stomach, produce sputum and drag the healing process.
3.      Avoid seafood especially prawn and crab
Cough patient who consume fishy food may aggravate the condition due to fishy smell stimulate the respiratory tract and fish protein allergies. Those who allergies to some of the fish or egg protein should avoid such food.

4.      Avoid sweet-sour food
Acidic food may convergence sputum, difficult to expectorate and cause persistent coughing. Consuming sweet food may also cause inflammation difficult to heal.

5.      Avoid citrus food
Many people believe that citrus helps in relieving cough and reducing sputum. In fact, orange peel do have the effect of relieving cough and reducing sputum but the orange meat produce heat and generating sputum. Citrus fruits include grapefruit, tangerine, orange and so on.

6.      Avoid salty food
Salty food induce cough and aggravate cough.
7.      Avoid peanuts, chocolate etc.
The above food contains fat and may produce sputum after intake and aggravate cough.
8.      Avoid supplements
Many parents give their children supplement due to weak constitution, but children should stop consuming such supplements when coughing to avoid healing difficulty.


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